Tuesday 13 December 2011

Beyond E-Books: The Future of Digital Storytelling

This video discusses the "We Tell Stories" project, which aimed to tell stories using innovative online formats through the use of e-Book. The project broadcast stories live online as authors wrote them and utilized tools like Twitter and Google Maps.


  1. a new and dynamic approach to how we tell our stories, creating new methods, technologies, and learning programs that recognize and respond to the changing communications landscape.

  2. some readers and writers are changing their habits and fans are becoming actively engaged in stories. The value of a good story remains; the question is will you prefer to read, listen, watch, or do?

  3. Perkembangan pesat teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) dan inovasi dalam sistem digital melambangkan satu revolusi digital yang telah dan akan mengubah cara manusia berfikir, berhubung, bertindak dan bekerja.
